GP Services
We offer a comprehensive range of GP services. You can get advice and treatment for a wide range of common and less common medical symptoms and illnesses.

General Services
24 Hour ECG (Holter)
24 Hour BP monitor
Minor Surgery
Full Nursing Services
Vitamin b12 Injection
Ear Irrigation
Pre employment Medical
Driving Licence Medical
Driving Licence Eye Exam
Heart Watch
Diabetes Watch
Minor Surgery
We provide a comprehensive range of minor surgical procedures at Slievemore Clinic. The cost of most surgical procedures carried out at Slievemore Clinic is settled by patients’ health insurer. A small charge applies to cover the consumables used.
This allows our patients fast and cost effective access to minor surgeries including:
• Mole & Skin Cancer Biopsy and Removal
• Ingrown Toe Nail Removal or Wedge Resection
• Sebaceous Cyst Removal
• Cryotherapy (Freezing) of Warts & Verruca
• Joint Injections (Dr. O’Toole)
All surgery requires a pre-surgical assessment appointment.
Appointments for cryotherapy can be made with any doctor, and the treatment is usually carried out on the first visit.

Heart Watch
Slievemore Clinic has run HEARTWATCH since its HSE inception in 2004. The programme is aimed at those people who have already had a heart attack or a cardiac intervention such as stenting or coronary artery bypass. The Heartwatch Program is run by Dr. Conor O’Toole and Nurse Lita Griffin. The programme includes quarterly visits with all related blood tests, ECGs and 24 hour BP monitoring deemed necessary for each individual.
We feel this programme provides you with the very best in preventative care. If you believe you qualify for please contact us and express your interest. As it is government led, we can only include people in the Heartwatch programme who fit their criteria.
Travel Vaccination & Malaria Prophylaxis
If you are planning a holiday or business trip abroad, you can reduce your risk of becoming ill by receiving protective vaccinations in advance. You will usually require vaccinations if you are travelling to the Caribbean, Asia, South America, Central America or Africa, while for some countries it is mandatory prior to entry.
Slievemore Clinic provides for all your travel health needs in a single visit. Our specialist GP’s provide comprehensive travel health advice, with same day in-house vaccinations for both individuals and businesses. We stock all travel vaccinations including Yellow Fever and Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificates, which are a visa requirement for some countries. For certain areas, anti-malarial tablets will also be necessary.
In addition to specialist consultation and vaccination, patients receive our ‘Travel Safe’ information handout and a prescription for travel medication essentials.
Note: Remember that some vaccines require more than one shot, so try to make your first appointment a couple of months prior to travel if possible. Last minute travellers should still seek advice, as vaccines given late are better than no protection at all. Please bring to your consultation any information about previous vaccines which you may have received elsewhere, as this will help our doctor to decide which vaccines you will need for your next trip.
Flu Vaccine
Influenza is a highly infectious illness which affects people of all ages. Outbreaks of influenza occur almost every year, usually in winter. It is often self-limiting with most people recovering within 2 weeks. However, flu can be more severe and can cause serious illness and death, especially in pregnancy, in the very young and in the elderly.
For certain groups it is especially important to be vaccinated every year including but not limited to people with
- Heart or Respiratory conditions
- Diabetes
- Immunosuppression
- Pregnancy
Each year the seasonal flu vaccine contains three common influenza virus strains. The flu virus changes each year so a new flu vaccine has to be given each year. The flu vaccine is usually available from early October. It takes 10-14 days for a person to become immune post vaccination so it is advisable to get the vaccine as early as possible. You cannot catch the flu from the flu vaccine as it is derived from inactivated or killed vaccines.
Shingles Vaccine
Shingles is caused by the Varicella-Zoster Virus, which is the same virus that causes Chickenpox. Most people have Chickenpox in childhood, but after the illness has gone, the virus remains dormant in the nervous system. The immune system keeps the virus in check, but later in life it can reactivate and cause Shingles. It occurs in about 3/1000 people per year but is much more common in those over the age of 50. In addition, this age group are much more likely to suffer from additional complications from the infection such as chronic pain.
You cannot catch Shingles from someone who has Chickenpox, but it is possible to catch Chickenpox from someone who has Shingles.
There is a vaccine to protect against Shingles called Zostavax which is given in a single dose injection. It reduces your risk of suffering from Shingles and of its complications. You will need to book to have a pre vaccine consultation with your GP.